Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week One...done

Week one of hospital bed rest is done. For everyone that has no idea what is going on, I was put on hospital bed rest last Friday. I was having some bleeding, which I have had throughout the pregnancy. The OB wanted to check, but had no appointments. We were sent up to L&D to be checked out, and thought we would be done in time for a nice dinner in the area. It turns out... baby A (Jacob) has a leak in his sac. He is leaking amniotic fluid. After speaking to a perinatologist (fetal specialist), we were informed I would be in the hospital until I deliver. Baby B (Ethan) was jumping around with no issues. I was dehydrated from sitting around the hospital and having contractions every 8 minutes or so. I was taken to L&D, given fluid, and put on a monitor. After the fluid the contractions stopped and I was moved to the antepartum side of the floor. We had a level II ultrasound that showed Ethan (baby B) is perfect. He had no signs of problems at all. Jacob (Baby A) has very little fluid around him, which made the measuring ultrasound impossible. The doctors decided to send off some of the fluid I am leaking to check for chromosomal issues. We should find out the results sometime next week.

Our main worry is infection at this point. I am 21 weeks tomorrow, and the babies wont make it outside until I get to 24 weeks. An infection is VERY dangerous right now. If I get an infection, the doctors plan to deliver Jacob (baby A) and attempt to keep Ethan (baby B) inside. There is about a 50% chance this will work. I will be VERY sick. So we are praying infection will hold off for awhile. They plan to start antibiotics on September 10th, which will get me past 24 weeks. It is too early to start them now. So fingers crossed we make it to September 10th with no signs of infection.

The babies are doing well so far. We get ultrasounds once a week, so we will know more on Monday. They went from checking the heartbeats every four hours to once a day. They have had good heartbeats and rates so far. We have already been told that if this pregnancy was not a twin pregnancy, we would have lost the baby already. The boys are already looking out for each other. The doctor said things will change quickly, so we are trying to take everything one day at a time. Our short goal is 24 weeks and out long goal is to make it as close to 34 weeks as possible. It will be a long time in the hospital, but after all we have been through... I just want everyone to be OK. Please keep us in your prayers, we really need to avoid infections at this point. I will update as information comes in.