Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
I thought I would do a bunch of pictures of my little family.
This.... is me after I had Blake. See that cake? I wasn't allowed to eat any. I was so sick. I wasn't allowed to have anything to eat, because they were talking about taking me back to surgery. I was also about to have another blood transfusion. I originally refused to let people take pictures of me. This picture was taken on Sunday. My induction started on Thursday. That was the last time I was allowed to eat. That was the last time I was allowed to shower/stand. That was the last time I had done any type of damage control. I was sick from my seriously low blood count, low blood pressure, being put to sleep, and being in labor for 36 hours prior to all of that.
I am glad that I let my mom take this picture. It is our first family picture. She swore I would regret not taking a picture in the hospital, and she was right. She was very respectful of my wishes, and never shared it with anyone without letting me know. She didn't plaster it all over the internet, which was one of the reasons I asked everyone to not take pictures of me until I was able to shower. I am thankful she took it, and she respected my privacy about it. Since others were not as respectful... I figured I would go ahead and share. Here we are, momma looking like death and everything.
This was Blake's first church service!
Blake's trip to the pumpkin patch!
Blake's first Christmas. I love the look on his face in this picture! He is just so excited. He loves those books!
Our most recent... After church at my parent's house
I have told my family the same thing, no posting pictures of me till I have approved them. I think it is so cute yall had a cake for Blake even though neither of you could eat it! He is growing up so quick and is so handsome!!