Meeting this guy. He was about six hours old when I finally met him. I had to have an emergency c-section, and then was put to sleep. Joseph and Blake had to wait for me in the nursery until 8pm that night. I will never forget sitting in my room, and hearing him crying in the hallway. The nurse had to verify that Blake was my baby before she could bring him in. I was about to jump out of my bed in anticipation. I had waited so long to see him during my pregnancy, then had to wait in the recovery room, then they made me wait in my regular room. Joseph kept peeking into the hallway for me. I was in so much pain, but so excited to finally meet him. Then they rolled him in.... and I saw this-
That night was wonderful. Joseph and I got to know our little man. I examined his fingers and toes. I snuggled with him. I will never forget that moment.
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