Well, we have news. On Sunday at 12 am I received my first round of steroids and antibiotics. Because the antibiotics were IV, the nurse started them at 12am and had to come in and change them an hour later... then disconnect at 2am. I fell asleep around 1am while the second set of antibiotics were running in. Around three I woke up with a very upset stomach. The doctor decided to check me and found that I was dilated to 4. They quickly pushed me over to the L&D side of the floor and started monitoring my contractions. At 5am the doctor started giving me magnesium to try to slow down my contractions, as they were coming about 1 minute apart. The goal was to deliver Jacob and keep Ethan in. I repeatedly screamed for an epidural, but the anesthesiologist was busy with another patient. They finally realized I was fully dilated around 7am and moved me into the OR for delivery. I still did not have the epidural. Joseph had to get changed and was told that after they got my epidural in, they would come get him. Unfortunately, Jacob was born before the epidural was put in. They attempted to stop Ethan, but he was already in the birth canal. The boys were born at 733 and 737am. Ethan weighed 12oz and Jacob weighed 1lb 2 oz. Joseph was waiting in the hall when they were born.
They had two teams of neonatologists in the OR. Jacob's lungs were just not developed enough. He had major problems breathing (which we expected from his lack of fluid). His apgar score was a one at one minute. He passed away before his brother was even born.
Ethan's lungs were better, and his 5 minute apgar was a 7. They quickly took him back to the NICU. Joseph and I didn't even get to see him before they took him. He was so small, they were very concerned with his weight. His lungs were good though, and he only required room air on the vent. He had a lot of problems maintaining his blood pressure and was given drugs to help keep it up. Sunday night he received a blood transfusion and was doing much better with his BP. We visited him throughout Sunday and Monday. Everything was very stable. While we were visiting Monday afternoon, the neonatologist said that he had an air pocket in his chest. It was not affecting anything, so they decided to leave it alone. With his size, he would not have survived removing it. Around 6pm Monday night, Ethan's vitals were dropping very quickly. They quickly got him back on track and did another X-ray to see if the air pocket had moved. The doctor quickly brought us into the office and explained it was behind Ethan's heart, and they were unable to access it. Ethan passed away shortly after with his family all there with him.
We are finally home. I requested to be discharged after we said goodbye to Ethan. Joseph and I stayed in base lodging last night then returned to the hospital this morning to finish paperwork. We are both exhausted from not sleeping. We are dealing with our emotions right now. We appreciate any thoughts and prayers, but are asking for some quiet time. We have had a lot of support, and appreciate it... but really want to deal with our emotions for the next weeks. We appreciate any emails, but our phones have been retired for a week or so. Thank you all for your thoughts and support through this difficult time. The world lost two of the hardest fighters ever Sunday and last night.
Andrea and I am so sorry. Prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm so terribly sorry for your double loss.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers
ReplyDeleteDearest Andrea and Joe,
ReplyDeleteMarshall just shared your sad news with me and I just wanted to send my love and condolences for your loss. God give you strength in your time of need! Will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Racehlle Deats (Marshall Deats' mom)
I'm so sorry for your losses. I lurk on the multiples board and saw that you had suffered this terrible tragedy and my heart goes out to you. I lost my baby girl at 21 weeks in April and know a little of what you are feeling. I remember the time after my loss being so incredibly confusing and unbelievable. If you ever want to talk to someone who understands please feel free to email me (echloeechloe@gmail.com)