Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
More pictures :)
First things first... Happy birthday Joseph! Blake stole a little of your birthday thunder this year, but I know you wouldn't have it any other way :)

Tomorrow, Blake will be one week old! He is doing so well. He had some jaundice issues, but after some marathon nursing sessions and hanging out in the sun a bit... things are fine. He is such a cuddly baby. Joseph and I both love that about him.
I am still on the mend. I am starting to feel better, but I am not near 100%. C-sections are a hard thing to recover from. I am also having a hard time with nausea (from the meds they gave me to put me to sleep).
Now, what everyone really wants... more pictures!
Watching TV with Daddy
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
He is here!
Blake Owen Zimmermann made his appearance on August 21st at 1:53 pm. He is a big boy at 8pounds 5oz and 22 inches long!
Here is his birth story... it is long, and rather surprising.
We were scheduled for an induction on the 19th at 7am. I was told to call ahead, in case L&D was full. We got up and called L&D. They were busy, and instructed us to call back in a few hours. We continued this game from 6am-9pm. Finally they told us to come in at 11pm. We got our things together, had a snack, and headed to the hospital.
When we arrived at 11pm, I was checked in. I was given a room and found out I was not dilated at all. It was going to be a long induction (which we knew). At midnight, I was given medicine (Cervidil) to help get things ready. It was given for 12 hours. The next day at noon I was checked, and was only 1 cm. The doctor decided to go ahead and start the labor drugs (pictocin). This medicine makes your contractions really hard. The day doctor said I could get the epidural whenever I wanted it. I toughed it out until around 9pm that night. The doctor cam in and checked me, and I was still at 1-2cm! I was really hurting at this point, and my contractions were huge on the monitor. The night doctor refused to give me the epidural until I was at least 4 cm. She cranked up the pitocin, and offered IV drugs.
I had IV drugs with the twins, and they really didn't help me. They confused me, and made me panic. I swore I would never let them do that to me again. The doctor swore it was a different medicine, and I would not react like that. I was in so much pain, and so discouraged.... I let them give them to me. It was a big mistake. All night long I had the same reaction.
The next morning, the nurse checked me and said I was at 3 cm (I had been there for almost 24 hours). The morning doctor finally OKed the epidural, and it was set. My blood pressure dropped, and Blake's heart rate dropped shortly after. They broke my water then. The epidural really helped me to dilate. By 9:00 am, I was completely dilated. Blake was still super high though. I started pushing at 9:30. I pushed for about 3 hours. Blake was not dropping at all.
I was exhausted at this point (I had been at the hospital since 11pm Thursday and it was 12 pm sat). The doctors decided on a C-section. I was taken to the OR and given a spinal block. When I was given the spinal, it was too high. I could hardly breathe. Joseph was brought into the OR, and found me unable to talk. They finally started the C-section, and I was tilted to try to help my spinal block go toward my feet.
The doctor had a really hard time getting Blake out. Typically from the time they open the uterus until baby is out is 15-20 seconds. It took them 4 minutes to get Blake out. I was scared to death. The doctor was screaming at people and things were really tense for awhile. The second they got Blake out, I was given drugs to put me to sleep. I was bleeding heavily and I couldn't breathe.
Blake and Joseph were sent to the special care nursery while the doctors fixed me. Blake was born at 1:53, and I didn't get to recovery until 6pm. I had tearing from them scrambling to get him out. They also were worried about my bladder, and called a urologist in to make sure it was OK. I finally met Blake around 8pm on his birthday.
I lost a lot of blood, so I required two blood transfusions. All-in-all, I got pretty beat up. I wasn't allowed out of bed until Monday. Blake is perfect though. We are finally home, and I am trying to get back on my feet. Thank goodness Joseph is here to help.
Here is his birth story... it is long, and rather surprising.
We were scheduled for an induction on the 19th at 7am. I was told to call ahead, in case L&D was full. We got up and called L&D. They were busy, and instructed us to call back in a few hours. We continued this game from 6am-9pm. Finally they told us to come in at 11pm. We got our things together, had a snack, and headed to the hospital.
When we arrived at 11pm, I was checked in. I was given a room and found out I was not dilated at all. It was going to be a long induction (which we knew). At midnight, I was given medicine (Cervidil) to help get things ready. It was given for 12 hours. The next day at noon I was checked, and was only 1 cm. The doctor decided to go ahead and start the labor drugs (pictocin). This medicine makes your contractions really hard. The day doctor said I could get the epidural whenever I wanted it. I toughed it out until around 9pm that night. The doctor cam in and checked me, and I was still at 1-2cm! I was really hurting at this point, and my contractions were huge on the monitor. The night doctor refused to give me the epidural until I was at least 4 cm. She cranked up the pitocin, and offered IV drugs.
I had IV drugs with the twins, and they really didn't help me. They confused me, and made me panic. I swore I would never let them do that to me again. The doctor swore it was a different medicine, and I would not react like that. I was in so much pain, and so discouraged.... I let them give them to me. It was a big mistake. All night long I had the same reaction.
The next morning, the nurse checked me and said I was at 3 cm (I had been there for almost 24 hours). The morning doctor finally OKed the epidural, and it was set. My blood pressure dropped, and Blake's heart rate dropped shortly after. They broke my water then. The epidural really helped me to dilate. By 9:00 am, I was completely dilated. Blake was still super high though. I started pushing at 9:30. I pushed for about 3 hours. Blake was not dropping at all.
I was exhausted at this point (I had been at the hospital since 11pm Thursday and it was 12 pm sat). The doctors decided on a C-section. I was taken to the OR and given a spinal block. When I was given the spinal, it was too high. I could hardly breathe. Joseph was brought into the OR, and found me unable to talk. They finally started the C-section, and I was tilted to try to help my spinal block go toward my feet.
The doctor had a really hard time getting Blake out. Typically from the time they open the uterus until baby is out is 15-20 seconds. It took them 4 minutes to get Blake out. I was scared to death. The doctor was screaming at people and things were really tense for awhile. The second they got Blake out, I was given drugs to put me to sleep. I was bleeding heavily and I couldn't breathe.
Blake and Joseph were sent to the special care nursery while the doctors fixed me. Blake was born at 1:53, and I didn't get to recovery until 6pm. I had tearing from them scrambling to get him out. They also were worried about my bladder, and called a urologist in to make sure it was OK. I finally met Blake around 8pm on his birthday.
I lost a lot of blood, so I required two blood transfusions. All-in-all, I got pretty beat up. I wasn't allowed out of bed until Monday. Blake is perfect though. We are finally home, and I am trying to get back on my feet. Thank goodness Joseph is here to help.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Two More Days
Well, we have the official induction date. They will start the induction on the 19th, but expect to deliver him on the 20th. It looks like Blake will get to celebrate his birthday seven days before his daddy every year. Our summers are going to be busy! My birthday, our anniversary, Blake's birthday, and Joseph's birthday will all be between July and August! It looks like there will be a lot of cakes to eat next summer. :)
I went to our last non-stress test today, and Blake did wonderful. He has to move two times in twenty minutes to pass. He must get really excited when he hears his own heartbeat, because he always passes with flying colors. I swear he moves more in that room than he does all week. He is such a show-off.
Joseph and I celebrated our last weekend without a little man following us around. We went out to eat, and we went to the beach. It was a nice calm weekend. This week, I have been trying to get everything ready. Our house got a good clean so that I don't have to worry about it later. The bags are getting packed (I am not good at pre-packing).
All-in-all, I think we are as ready as we can be. Now if we can just get this whole painful having the baby part out of the way! We have two angels watching over us though, so I am sure everything will be OK. I have said from day one that Ethan and Jacob hand picked this baby from Heaven. We will finally get to meet their sibling that they chose. I am sure they did a wonderful job, and Blake will be perfect. Ethan and Jacob will be with us making sure their handpicked brother makes it here OK.
Next time I post, it will be with pictures of Blake. I am so excited to see what he looks like and meet him. Until then, I will leave you with pictures from our last beach trip without a baby. I am a little sad that we didn't think to get a picture of us together.
38 weeks pregnant at the beach
They like running around on the beach
Bailey was obsessed with the seaweed. He seems to be a sushi fan.
He is also obsessed with digging in the sand. We have no idea what he is looking for.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
One more week
I have been horrible about blogging lately. We have been having serious internet/computer issues though. When we moved, we had a hard time finding an internet provider for our area. Everyone said that they didn't cover our area. We finally got Embarq to set up internet. It was a horrible connection, and it took forever to do anything. We switched from Embarq to Time Warner, and our internet improved... but both of our computers decided to stop working. Our desktop got a horrible virus that lost everything. Our laptop decided that the mouse was over-rated. So we are limping along with our laptop while the desktop is in the shop. Then the laptop will get it's turn to get fixed. All of this means that blogging/internet use is difficult.
All is well in J-ville. We are doing really well. Joseph is starting to learn his job, and I am finally figuring out how to get around town without getting lost! I have the navigation skills of a rock, so this is a huge accomplishment. Bailey had his first appointment with his new vet today. They were not his Quantico buddies, but they will do.
Blake is still growing. I am 38 weeks today. If he comes today, he would be considered full term. Hopefully, he won't though. Joseph is gone training this week, so I have been alone with Bailey. Joseph is just a phone call away, but it would still be rather difficult to get him back here. He comes home tomorrow, so anytime after that is OK. I doubt it will happen anytime soon though. The doctor said that she doesn't expect anything.
If Blake doesn't come on his own, they will be inducing me next week. This is exciting and scary. Inductions are hard on babies and mommies. It will probably take a long time, and the chances of needing a C-section are pretty high. Unfortunately, my body is pretty done. My blood pressure has been rising, and my labs are not looking good. It is better at this point to induce, but it is definitely not the easiest way to have a baby. The good thing is that after all of the hours of inducing, we will finally get to meet Blake.
I am excited to finally have Blake here (no matter how he makes his appearance). This is something we have been working on since 2008. I knew this day would eventually come, but I was beginning to wonder when we would get here. It has been a long, hard road. We are finally nearing the end of it. Hopefully the last little bit will be the easiest part.
All is well in J-ville. We are doing really well. Joseph is starting to learn his job, and I am finally figuring out how to get around town without getting lost! I have the navigation skills of a rock, so this is a huge accomplishment. Bailey had his first appointment with his new vet today. They were not his Quantico buddies, but they will do.
Blake is still growing. I am 38 weeks today. If he comes today, he would be considered full term. Hopefully, he won't though. Joseph is gone training this week, so I have been alone with Bailey. Joseph is just a phone call away, but it would still be rather difficult to get him back here. He comes home tomorrow, so anytime after that is OK. I doubt it will happen anytime soon though. The doctor said that she doesn't expect anything.
If Blake doesn't come on his own, they will be inducing me next week. This is exciting and scary. Inductions are hard on babies and mommies. It will probably take a long time, and the chances of needing a C-section are pretty high. Unfortunately, my body is pretty done. My blood pressure has been rising, and my labs are not looking good. It is better at this point to induce, but it is definitely not the easiest way to have a baby. The good thing is that after all of the hours of inducing, we will finally get to meet Blake.
I am excited to finally have Blake here (no matter how he makes his appearance). This is something we have been working on since 2008. I knew this day would eventually come, but I was beginning to wonder when we would get here. It has been a long, hard road. We are finally nearing the end of it. Hopefully the last little bit will be the easiest part.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August Already?
How is it August already? Where did the month of July go? It feels like we just moved, and it has been almost a month. I find it amazing that when people ask when I am due, I can just say the 26th. Not too much longer. We are pretty busy until then, so hopefully the next few weeks will go by fast. We are very excited about meeting Blake.
I am also amazed that this month a year ago, I was admitted to Bethesda with Ethan and Jacob. I have been thinking about them often, as their birthday is slowly approaching. I want to do something for their birthday, but I am not sure what yet. I want to make sure that their birthday is never forgotten.
I am still amazed when I look at the pictures we have of them. They were so tiny, but such big fighters. When Ethan was in the NICU, it was amazing how strong he was. I still remember those days like they were yesterday. I remember right after we left Bethesda on September 15th, I was so scared I would forget. I was terrified that those short moments and memories I had with my babies would fade. I still remember it all, just like I did that day. I remember the fear, surprise, shock, love, and heartache of those 36 hours.
It is impossible to not what-if everything that happened last year. What if they had made it... we would have almost one year olds. We also wouldn't have Blake yet... he would still be in Arlington, VA in the freezer. How would life be for us? When we finally did transfer our last embryo (Blake), how would we do with three boys? There are so many questions that I wonder about.
I am sure that our angels are watching over their little brother already. When we were doing our frozen transfer, I often said that Ethan and Jacob were in Heaven picking out their sibling. How many parents get their children hand picked by angels? I am sure that Ethan and Jacob did a wonderful job picking out their little brother. They have been making sure that he is healthy and full term. I know they will be watching over us when Blake makes his big appearance.
So, 24 days until Blake's due date. I can't wait to meet this little man who insists on rolling around all night and keeping me awake. Joseph can't wait to meet the little man who kicks every time he touches my belly. Not much longer!
I am also amazed that this month a year ago, I was admitted to Bethesda with Ethan and Jacob. I have been thinking about them often, as their birthday is slowly approaching. I want to do something for their birthday, but I am not sure what yet. I want to make sure that their birthday is never forgotten.
I am still amazed when I look at the pictures we have of them. They were so tiny, but such big fighters. When Ethan was in the NICU, it was amazing how strong he was. I still remember those days like they were yesterday. I remember right after we left Bethesda on September 15th, I was so scared I would forget. I was terrified that those short moments and memories I had with my babies would fade. I still remember it all, just like I did that day. I remember the fear, surprise, shock, love, and heartache of those 36 hours.
It is impossible to not what-if everything that happened last year. What if they had made it... we would have almost one year olds. We also wouldn't have Blake yet... he would still be in Arlington, VA in the freezer. How would life be for us? When we finally did transfer our last embryo (Blake), how would we do with three boys? There are so many questions that I wonder about.
I am sure that our angels are watching over their little brother already. When we were doing our frozen transfer, I often said that Ethan and Jacob were in Heaven picking out their sibling. How many parents get their children hand picked by angels? I am sure that Ethan and Jacob did a wonderful job picking out their little brother. They have been making sure that he is healthy and full term. I know they will be watching over us when Blake makes his big appearance.
So, 24 days until Blake's due date. I can't wait to meet this little man who insists on rolling around all night and keeping me awake. Joseph can't wait to meet the little man who kicks every time he touches my belly. Not much longer!
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