I had my "big" ultrasound today. It was an anatomy scan to check for any problems baby might have. Everything turned out really well. Joseph was not able to go because of TBS, but my parents and Carly went with me. All of Blake's measurements were perfect. He had no signs of any genetic problems. They weighed him at 9oz. The first thing I thought was that Ethan weighed 12oz. What a little piggy Blake is. Ethan weighed 12 oz at 23 weeks, and Blake is weighing 9oz at 18 weeks. He is definitely going to be bigger than his brother before 23 weeks.
It was a little odd to be back in the same office I went to every week while I was in the hospital. We walked by my old hospital room to get to the office. We also walked by the NICU hall that Ethan lived in for 36 hours. I went to the office for ultrasounds to check fluid and weights on Ethan, and to see if Jacob had any fluid building back up. It felt odd to have good news from that office. Last time around, they were very honest that Jacob was probably not going to make it. They also were very honest about Ethan's chances if born too early. This time all news was good though.
Blake was sleepy this morning, and he was not in the mood to move around. My perinatologist gave him a little shake, and that woke him up a little so that he could get some other measurements. We got some great pictures... although he didn't really move around a lot, and made getting a profile a little tougher.
This is Blake in 3D
Blake's profile in 2D. His leg is also in the upper right corner.

Thumbs up :)